Having issue understanding the payment schedule

Hello everyone, I am new here. I subscribed for a monthly payment and my account has been debited but to my surprise I still do not have access to any of the courses. Upon selection of a course, I kept being prompted to subscribe. Please help me to understand better , thanks.

The courses are usually instantly available as soon as you subscribe.
Are you logged in to codewithmosh.com? Is the subscription listed under “Manage Subscriptions” in your personal menu?

Hello Sam,

Thanks for responding to my message. I have logged in but still not able to access any of the courses. Although I saw them listed but if I select any one of the listed it is still asking me to subscribe. I am like confused and need assistance Please .

Kind regards,

You didn’t answer my second question:

The menu is behind the avatar-icon in the upper right corner.

If the payment was successful you should see an active subscription in “Manage Subscriptions” and you should be able to access all the courses in the “My Courses” menu. If that’s not the case contact [email protected].

Looking for carefully, under the two subscribe picture, there is a line of something like ‘I have subscribed’. Click it.

Hello Ying,

Thanks so much. Apologies I forgot to mention that I could access it now.