Getting error while installing bootstrap in Angular

I purchased the Angular course and liked the way explaining the details.

When I try install boostrap as mentioned in the tuitorial getting the below error
PS C:\Arul\Learning\lesson-01\HelloWorld> npm install bootstarp --save
npm ERR! No versions available for bootstarp

It’s because you have a typo in your command. The correct form should be bootstrap, not bootstarp :slight_smile:

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The little typos that trip us up! It’s a great reminder of how careful we need to be with our commands. On a related note, if you’re new to Angular and Bootstrap, have you checked out the documentation for Bootstrap components? They can really enhance the UI of your app and are super easy to implement once you get the hang of it! Would love to hear how your project evolves as you integrate these tools!

Thanks. That worked.
In my project there is newer syntax (*ng ,*if) and standalone components are used. What version of this tuitorila is based on?

Would you please update the tutorial with latest syntax?