Floating elements in HTML & CSS

Hello folks, Have a Great Christmas ! I’m coming with a question today, about floating elements. Here, in our markup we want the article to be in the border area, witch we use “.clearfix::after” with those 3 lines of code who help us to insert the box in the border area. But I have one question about. Why we use the pseudo-element (::after)? How can it help us in that way?


I found this description of the after pseudo element.

In CSS, ::after creates a [pseudo-element] that is the last child of the selected element.

So in this case if you are on the “7 - Floating Elements” lesson it is placing the [pseudo-element] after the paragraph element.

To better see what is going on I changed the code to


.clearfix::after {
content: “testing”;
display: block;
clear: both;

and then this:

.clearfix::after {
content: "testing ";
display: block;

Hope this helps and Merry Christmas!

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Hollywood, your answer it s very helpful!! Thanks a lot!

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