Exercism first Exercise


This is my first post on this forum
I am new to coding using Python

I have joined Exercism to sharpen my skills in Python

But when i run the first exercise “Hello World”, it print an error,

Could someone help me what is the issue?

Thank you very much.


Make sure you have correct characters and SYMBOLS (punctuation: , . : = ‘’ ")
The following code works

print('Hello world!') 


print("Hello world!")

Here you can single and double quotation marks. Either way, you get the same result.

Should we get an exam at the end of the course?

Again, and old post, but hopefully someone can be helped.

I have done the first exercise on Exercism., and got stuck on a small error. The exercise tests require an exact match. Be sure to use “Hello, World!” in your print statement.

Take away: Be sure to proofread your source carefully and be sure it matches EXACTLY what is being asked for, if appropriate.

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I copy and paste your code got the same error

Unexpected token ‘app.py’ in expression or statement.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:slight_smile: , ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken

Put a comma after the word World, as in “Hello, World!”. As in my example above.

I think they talk about printing Hello world by defining a function. so, you can do this way : def hello():
return ‘Hello, World!’