hi i am getting an error on the first lesson i dont know what im doing wrong if anyone could help me
Hello sidpm3,
Forgive me if I am wrong. I am fairly new myself. However, I believe that the following could produce the error you have encountered.
- The folder name Hello World should NOT have any spaces in between the name of the folder.
Ex. “HelloWorld” - Correct
Ex. “Hello World” - Incorrect
- It is necessary to save your work before running the program.
Ex. Please select Ctrl + S - For Windows machines
Ex. Please select Cmd + S - For Apple machines
If any of the above suggestions apply, please make the necessary changes and let me know if it helped.
Hello sidpm3,
I was able to recreate the error message you are encountering. If you type the following you should NOT get the error message.
python app.py
You typed the following:
$python app.py
The $ character gave me the same error message you are having issues with. After I removed the $ character the program executed flawlessly.
Hope this helps.