Error on first lesson

hi i am getting an error on the first lesson i dont know what im doing wrong if anyone could help me

Hello sidpm3,

Forgive me if I am wrong. I am fairly new myself. However, I believe that the following could produce the error you have encountered.

  1. The folder name Hello World should NOT have any spaces in between the name of the folder.

Ex. “HelloWorld” - Correct
Ex. “Hello World” - Incorrect

  1. It is necessary to save your work before running the program.

Ex. Please select Ctrl + S - For Windows machines
Ex. Please select Cmd + S - For Apple machines

If any of the above suggestions apply, please make the necessary changes and let me know if it helped.


Hello sidpm3,

I was able to recreate the error message you are encountering. If you type the following you should NOT get the error message.


You typed the following:


The $ character gave me the same error message you are having issues with. After I removed the $ character the program executed flawlessly.

Hope this helps.
