Hi, I am trying to install react using the following command that Mosh used in his react tutorial:
sudo npm install -g [email protected]
The problem is I get an error message saying “Error: Cannot find module ‘semver’”.
I have attached an image of the entire error message.
To fix this problem, I have run the following code:
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules
sudo rm -rf ~/.npm
brew uninstall --force node
brew install node
The problem still persists after doing this.
Just do npx create-react-app react-app. the course is outdated so that method doesn’t work
Madlobt, but unfortunately, when I try the following command:
“npx create-react-app react-app”
I get an error saying the following:
“Error: Cannot find module ‘libnpx’”
You should probably reinstall node or npm
January 5, 2022, 6:38pm
Hi Lashvardi,
I just posted a similar question than came across your reply over here. I used npx create-react-app react-app and now its seems to be working. Thank you!!
January 14, 2022, 6:22pm
Really need create-react-app , you might need to reinstall Node and reconfigure your dependencies
Hi, i’m having the same issue, this course is really outdated.
Do some can help me explain how to uninstall node and run it by the correct updated way?
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Yeah this has worked on mine too👍