Error in Mortgage Calculator (Java)

Hi, I’m trying to run the program but I see errors under (prompt: "Principal: ", min: 1000, max: 1_000_000); saying that I need to create local variable prompt, min and max and even if I create I get errors under : signs, can someone please check the code

package com.example.calculator;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class main {
public static void main(Stringargs){

    int principal = (int) readNumber( prompt: "Principal: ", min: 1000, max: 1_000_000);
    float annualInterest = (float) readNumber( prompt: "Annual Interest Rate: ", min: 1, max: 30);
    byte years = (byte) readNumber( prompt: "Period (Years): ", min: 1, max: 30);

    double mortgage = calculateMortgage(principal,annualInterest, years);

    String mortgageFormatted = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(mortgage);
    System.out.println("Mortgage: " + mortgageFormatted);


public static double readNumber(String prompt, double min, double max) {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
    double value;
    while (true) {
        value = scanner.nextFloat();
        if (value >= min && value <= max)
        System.out.println("Please enter a value between " + min + " and " + max);
    return value;
public static double calculateMortgage(int principal,
                                      float annualInterest,
                                      byte years) {
    final byte MONTHS_IN_YEAR = 12;
    final byte PERCENT = 100;
    int NumberOfPayments = years * MONTHS_IN_YEAR;
    float MonthlyInterestRate = annualInterest / PERCENT / MONTHS_IN_YEAR;
    double MonthlyMortgage = principal * (MonthlyInterestRate * Math.pow(1+MonthlyInterestRate,
            NumberOfPayments)) / (Math.pow(1+MonthlyInterestRate, NumberOfPayments) -1);
    return MonthlyMortgage;



This comes up all the time (read some other topics in the Java category). The parameter names are added by the IDE, Mosh is not literally typing "prompt: " that is just being added by the IDE to help you to read the code. If you remove all of the "parameterName: " stuff your code should work. For example:

int principal = (int) readNumber( "Principal: ", 1000, 1_000_000);

thank you for taking the time to explain