Django Queryset Rendering in html template

Hi guys, am a Django beginner here. So, I have this table that I want to render on a bootstrap template to display managers name and their respective number of clients linked to them in a loop that displays as a table.

Here is my view in Django:

def managers(request):

managers = Manager.objects.all()

total_clients = Manager.objects.annotate(clients_count=Count('client'))

context = {'managers': managers, 'total_clients': total_clients}

return render(request, 'hello.html', context)

Here is my Html template code:

                        <thead class="thead-light">



                                <th>No of Clients</th>                                    





                            {% for Manager in managers %}








                            {% endfor %}




Here is the result I get on browser:

Name No of Clients
Farai1 <QuerySet [<Manager: Farai1>, <Manager: Farai2>, <Manager: Farai3>, <Manager: Farai4>]>
Farai2 <QuerySet [<Manager: Farai1>, <Manager: Farai2>, <Manager: Farai3>, <Manager: Farai4>]>
Farai3 <QuerySet [<Manager: Farai1>, <Manager: Farai2>, <Manager: Farai3>, <Manager: Farai4>]>
Farai4 <QuerySet [<Manager: Farai1>, <Manager: Farai2>, <Manager: Farai3>, <Manager: Farai4>]>

Here is a result from mySQL Debugger:

SQL queries from 1 connection

  • default 5.00 ms (7 queries including 4 similar and 4 duplicates )

Query Timeline Time (ms) Action

  • SELECT ••• FROM “django_session” WHERE (“django_session”.“expire_date” > ‘’‘2021-11-21 10:30:21.068018’’’ AND “django_session”.“session_key” = ‘’‘vz558fl6sj2vvc4qpl5fcsgc4546krle’’’) LIMIT 21 2.00
  • SELECT ••• FROM “auth_user” WHERE “auth_user”.“id” = ‘1’ LIMIT 21 0.00
  • SELECT ••• FROM “table_manager” 1.00
  • SELECT ••• FROM “table_manager” LEFT OUTER JOIN “table_client” ON (“table_manager”.“id” = “table_client”.“manager_id”) GROUP BY “table_manager”.“id”, “table_manager”.“name” LIMIT 21

4 similar queries. Duplicated 4 times. 1.00

  • SELECT ••• FROM “table_manager” LEFT OUTER JOIN “table_client” ON (“table_manager”.“id” = “table_client”.“manager_id”) GROUP BY “table_manager”.“id”, “table_manager”.“name” LIMIT 21

4 similar queries. Duplicated 4 times. 0.00

  • SELECT ••• FROM “table_manager” LEFT OUTER JOIN “table_client” ON (“table_manager”.“id” = “table_client”.“manager_id”) GROUP BY “table_manager”.“id”, “table_manager”.“name” LIMIT 21

4 similar queries. Duplicated 4 times. 1.00

  • SELECT ••• FROM “table_manager” LEFT OUTER JOIN “table_client” ON (“table_manager”.“id” = “table_client”.“manager_id”) GROUP BY “table_manager”.“id”, “table_manager”.“name” LIMIT 21

4 similar queries. Duplicated 4 times. 0.00

SQL selected

Executed SQL

SELECT “table_manager”.“id”,
COUNT(“table_client”.“id”) AS “clients_count”
FROM “table_manager”
LEFT OUTER JOIN “table_client”
ON (“table_manager”.“id” = “table_client”.“manager_id”)
GROUP BY “table_manager”.“id”,


1.0001659393310547 ms



1 Farai1 2
2 Farai2 2
3 Farai3 0
4 Farai4 0

I want to pull out that filed CLIENTS_COUNT onto the bootstrap template as a number like the way it displays in the SQL debugger and not how its coming out on the browser. Your Assistance is Greatly Appreciated!

Sorry for the presentation I just copied and pasted, tried to put screenshots but the platform wont allow to embed more than 1 pic

You need to pass the client count property for each result in the QuerySet.

# You get the idea....

Thank you for the response, however it is not giving me result as it appears in the SQL debugger. I am trying to have the number of Clients associated with each Manager in a loop that displays like a table

I tried your suggestion and got this:

Name No of Clients
Farai1 2
Farai2 2
Farai3 2
Farai4 2

which is not the case because Managers number 3 and 4 have no client associated to them

Think about it. If your SQL query is correct but what you pull out from the query is wrong, then where is the problem?

If you used something like total_clients[0].clients_count in your markup, this means you only want clients_count from row 1. So, of course, you will get a result like that.

In your case, you don’t need managers because total_clients already incudes managers.
So, iterate over total_clients and access it like so

{% for manager in total_clients %}
{% endfor %}
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Thank you so much, its now working so my loop had an error!

Much Appreciated

Django’s templates are not simply Python code embedded into HTML . 2) an
then renders it to a template with the QuerySet added to the context (line 5).
