The solution given for the decorators exercise in the typescript course is as follows:
function Sauce(sauce: string) {
return (constructor: Function) => {
constructor.prototype.sauce = sauce;
however when I ran this code, the resultant objects did not have a .sauce property. I managed to add the property by rewriting this decorator as follows:
function Sauce(sauce: string) {
return <T extends { new (...args: any[]): {} }>(constructor: T) => {
return class extends constructor {
sauce = sauce;
class Pizza {}
const pizza = new Pizza();
I can see the sauce property in the output however I am still not able to do console.log(pizza.sauce) as I am getting a ts compile error telling me that the sauce property does not exist on the Pizza class. I am wondering if the syntax given in the solution is deprecated and if so does anyone know how to solve the exercise using up to date syntax in a way the the ts compiler knows about the pizza.sauce property?