Blocked by MS Edge

When trying to view a video on MS Edge, I get this message. Can someone tell me what I need to unblock? I can’t seem to find a specific setting to whitelist this web page.

not use edge lol, get used to different browsers, chrome, firefox, and got forbid IE

That really isn’t an answer, and I am using Edge because all others are not playing the video period, so something is going on.

Hmm some more info would be helpful like your Operating system, how old your computer is, solutions you’ve tried, other areas the problems affects like youtube?

the best i can do is a quick google search and may have something to do with settings

I have a custom strict on because I don’t trust people, I have the Mosh website unblocked by preferences.

as for my system, Windows 11, 128GB Ram, 12GB Video and 16TB SSD… although I don’t know why that info is relevant except for the OS…

Did you try to uninstall and reinstall. also mosh’s videos might be through teachable might have to unblock that, i would try to turn it off and see if that works cause seems to be a common issue.

Uninstall and reinstall Edge? Or the other browsers? The issue is that there is something in the security settings that doesn’t like this website, and I really don’t know what it is.

You’ll probably have to disable security when doing mosh’s courses

I’ll put it for mixed, but I am not a fan of allowing even MS to have data on me.