/bin/sh: python: command not found

Hi Amazing, couldn’t figure this out myself, but it also resolved the issue for me as well, thank you so much

thank you so much!!! I cannot explain how relieved I am to have found a solution to this

Howdy Community!

New here and just started this course! I’m currently on Unit 2 - Primitive Types, section 9 Type Conversion. And whenever I type in HelloWorld $python3 app.py the terminal in VS Code says command not found.

Here are some screenshots of my terminal and I’ve already changed my python settings to python3.

Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

Thanks a bundle!

Not sure if anybody is even looking at this thread but if you encounter an issue. Something that fixed for me

  1. clicking on the drop down menu next to the plus (+) sign in terminal and selecting bash instead of zsh.