504 Bad Gateway

It is currently 6:50AM EST time, and I haven’t been able to access the site since 6:30AM. It’s giving me a bad gateway code with the host being the problem.

I guess my question is… Is this a common occurrence? I just recently bought the courses and I was hoping to start sooner rather than later. Any help or feedback would be happily accepted.

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I’ve been getting the same error for about 40-45 mins.



I’ve just now been able to open a course up, but it’s still moving slowly, try to refresh and see what you can do now!

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Thanks rAI

I can access my courses now but the site is really slow.


have the same issue.

I was able to load and view the first three lessons (The Ultimate TypeScript Course), and now I’m getting 504 too. I’ll go elsewhere and try again in a few hours.

Same here. . . when will it resume if it is down? Thanks

I am facing the same problem, as this is my first day to login to access the course.

I am facing the same issue… host must be down or something! Ah I was going through the React Native course this morning and I am completely addicted…

I went through Java… and paid for it to access full length course and now i am unable to access the website.

I’m sure the issue will be resolved soon!

I already posted this once, but this may help with discovery:

Hello, having the same problem

Hey everyone. Got also same experience as yours but tried again now and it is working again fine.