Zen coding doesn't work

Hi guys :slight_smile: I’m really new to the code world and having a (I imagine) very simple problem.
While Mosh uses all the time the “zen mode” pressing tab for example when he writes section#products then press tab and the code changes to <section id:“section”> I can’t seen to make this work. Could someone please help me?
I have a macbook and I’m using VS Code.
(sorry for my bad english)

The file has .html extension?

Try this
go visual studio marketplace
Type zencoding
Install first plug in
Restart vscode

yes, it has. everything is exactly as Mosh told in his class ):

On the bottom of VSCode you can see some indications: Ln,Col Spaces, Encoding, Line End. Then you can see the language of the file you are editing. There must be written “HTML” otherwise Zen Coding does not work.

If you have something different, click on the text and then select HTML from the control panel.

Hope this can help you :slight_smile:


Hey guys, thanks for the help! I don’t know what exactly changed, but with the new vs updated it worked :slight_smile:

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