ViewModel issue and Strange Rendering

This is from the lecture on ViewModels.

@Model Vidly.ViewModels.RandomViewModel
    ViewBag.Title = "Random";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";


    @foreach (var customer in Model.Customers)

Am I missing something from this code? None of the intellisense shows, although the code does work. I am using Visual Studio 2019.

Additionally, my page is rendering out some strange text in the RenderBody:

The text "Vidly.ViewModels.RandomViewModel " appears twice below the solid black line, and I have no idea where this is coming from.

Any assistance is welcome.

Seems like you need to look at the property to see if you have selected a property or along those lines.

You could compare it to the version found on GitHub to see what you have missed GitHub - mosh-hamedani/vidly-mvc-5