Ultimate HTML5 & CSS3 - Lesson 42

I’m getting an error when using parcel. I’ve been looking and it seems to be to do with my images and where they are stored but I’ve checked and all images are in the folder.

Server running at http://localhost:1234
:rotating_light: /Users/jacwilliams/Dropbox/My Mac (Jacs-MBP)/Desktop/Moshify/2x: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/Users/jacwilliams/Dropbox/My Mac (Jacs-MBP)/Desktop/Moshify/2x’
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/Users/jacwilliams/Dropbox/My Mac (Jacs-MBP)/Desktop/Moshify/2x’

If someone could help I would really appreciate it as I’m so close to finishing the course :slight_smile:

I just got this same error, however mine is

C:\Users\my name\Creative Cloud Files\Code\MoshifiedProject\httpL: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:\Users\my name\Creative Cloud Files\Code\MoshifiedProject\httpL’
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:\Users\my name\Creative Cloud Files\Code\MoshifiedProject\httpL’.

Anyone know how to fix this?

Nevermind! I got lucky and found a solution!

For me, my error was this: C:\Users\my name\Creative Cloud Files\Code\MoshifiedProject\ httpL : ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:\Users\my name\Creative Cloud Files\Code\MoshifiedProject\ httpL
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:\Users\my name\Creative Cloud Files\Code\MoshifiedProject\ httpL’ .

Now, for those that missed it, the missing file/directory for me, was httpL.

So simply, all I did was create the file httpL in my project folder (the folder that holds my stuff):

From there, I ran the command parcel index.html and boom. My issue was resolved.

I apologize for the horrible sizing, I scaled up VS Code to hide my name. lol

Final product in my explorer:

Hope this helps!
Reminder: Do not copy my file name unless it's the same for you. I'm assuming, in the case of @Jac, they will have to make the file 2x. If not, I'm not sure what your specific issue. (I'm brand new to Parcel and HTML/CSS as well).

– dzyfer