Hi. I am doing the “Mastering React” course and I am on the “Calling Backend Services” section, lecture 25. My issue is that the try catch block isn’t catching the 404 error when I try to delete a movie that doesn’t exist from the database. Instead it shows up as an error in the console. Here’s my code:
// movieServices.js
export function deleteMovieDB(movieId) {
// movies.jsx
handleDelete = async (movie) => {
const originalMovies = [...this.state.movies]
const movies = originalMovies.filter(m => m._id !== movie._id);
this.setState({ movies });
try {
await deleteMovieDB(movie._id)
catch(ex) {
// This doesn't seem to actually catch the error
if (ex.response && ex.response.status === 404)
toast.error("This movie has already been deleted")