The year is displayed wrong using Date pipe and moment.js (Angular 13)

I’m using Moment.js to convert my date , but it displayed a wrong year

below a part of my code in localized-moment.ts file :

  transform(value: any, pattern: string = 'short'): any {

    if (value.toString().includes('-')) {

      return moment(value).locale(this.translateService.currentLang).format('L LTS');

    } else {

      if (!Number.isInteger(value)) {

        value = moment.unix(value);

      return moment(value).locale(this.translateService.currentLang).format('L LTS');



then in my html , i’m using the pipe to convert :

            <td class="data-row">{{myTime | localizedMoment }}</td>

For example if value=1672828478537 after the call of pipe , I m getting 06/01/2023 12:12:36 instead of 06/01/2022 12:12:36

Thanks for your help in advance .