I think this detail might be of general interest: The use-case for using the switch statement instead of the if-then-else statement, is a question of readability (preference) - but only in cases where you’re testing expressions based on single values.
Cited: Deciding whether to use if-then-else statements or a switch statement is based on readability and the expression that the statement is testing. An if-then-else statement can test expressions based on ranges of values or conditions, whereas a switch statement tests expressions based only on a single integer, enumerated value, or String object.
Speaking from a bit of personal experience, the best time to use a switch-case is when handling an enumerated type (especially if you do not control the type to add better polymorphism directly to the type - eg. generated protobuf enums). Many compilers can even tell you if your switch-case is not exhaustive for the enum type which can be very useful for preventing errors.
// Position.java
enum Position { FIRST, SECOND, THIRD }
// somewhere other than the Position.java file
String raceResultMessageFor(String racer, Position position) {
switch (position) {
case FIRST: return String.format("Congrats %s, you got 1st place!", racer);
case SECOND: return String.format("Way to go %s, you got 2nd place!", racer);
case THIRD: return String.format("Not bad %s, you got 3rd place!", racer);
// Depending on your compiler you may need a default here...
// default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled position: " + position);
// ... or something like this
// throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled position: " + position);
NOTE: If you do have control over the enum, it may be better to add polymorphism:
enum Position {
FIRST("Congrats %s, you got 1st place!"),
SECOND("Way to go %s, you got 2nd place!"),
THIRD("Not bad %s, you got 3rd place!");
private final String raceResultFormat;
Position(String raceResultFormat) {
this.raceResultFormat = raceResultFormat;
public String raceResultMessageFor(String racer) {
return String.format(raceResultFormat, racer);