In docker course, on “Running Multi-container Applications” section, video 6-7 we create a yaml file and docker-compose build with that yaml file.
When I tried to build the docker-compose.yaml file I get error:
services.db.volumes ‘type’ is a required property Mosh doesn’t get any error in the video and I did the same thing as him.
Also I am using docker-compose version 1.29.2.
Thanks for any help.
Interestingly, i deleted the space between vidly: and /data/db. Then it worked.
Thank you so much for posting this, I also received the same error and spent the last 2 hours trying to debug it. Not sure why we ended up with that space char there, but yes, removing it solved the problem. Well done. Rich
Thanks @ezgideren Removing the space in volumes worked form me also, oh yaml files !