React Intermediate Topics

I have a question witch repo should i clone to start the course ?

This course has 4 GitHub repositories that we’ll be using throughout the course.

Playground Starter: This repository contains the starter code for this course. It’s a basic playground project that will allow you to explore the concepts we talk about in isolation. You’ll be able to follow along with the course and practice your React skills without any distractions.

Playground Finish: This repository contains the completed source code for the playground project. It’s the same code that I’ll be showing in the videos, so you can use it as a reference when you’re stuck or need some guidance.

GameHub Starter: This repository contains the GameHub project that we built in part 1 of the course. We’ll be using this project throughout the course and enhancing it as we go along.

GameHub Finish: This repository contains the completed GameHub project as of the end of part 2 of the course.

The project is organized such that there is a commit for each lesson, with the commit message being the same as the lesson name. This way, you can quickly find the completed codebase for each lesson.

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This course has 4 GitHub repositories that we’ll be using throughout the course.

Playground Starter: This repository contains the starter code for this course. It’s a basic playground project that will allow you to explore the concepts we talk about in isolation. You’ll be able to follow along with the course and practice your React skills without any distractions.

so i clone this repo to start with

Thank you !