React Intermediate - Loading Infinite Queries got linting error

Got Linting error in the code. even though the code is working absolutely fine. can anyone help me the to get rid of the linting error in my code editor.

“dependencies”: {
@tanstack/react-query”: “^5.29.0”,
@tanstack/react-query-devtools”: “^5.29.0”,
“axios”: “^1.6.8”,
“react”: “^18.2.0”,
“react-dom”: “^18.2.0”

linting problems:
No overload matches this call.
Overload 1 of 3, ‘(options: UndefinedInitialDataInfiniteOptions<Post, Error, InfiniteData<Post, unknown>, QueryKey, unknown>, queryClient?: QueryClient | undefined): UseInfiniteQueryResult<…>’, gave the following error.
Argument of type ‘{ queryKey: (string | PostQuery); queryFn: ({ pageParam }: { queryKey: QueryKey; signal: AbortSignal; pageParam: unknown; direction: FetchDirection; meta: Record<…> | undefined; }) => Promise<…>; staleTime: number; getPreviousPageParam: (previousData: T | undefined) => T | undefined; getNextPageParam: (last…’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘UndefinedInitialDataInfiniteOptions<Post, Error, InfiniteData<Post, unknown>, QueryKey, unknown>’.
Property ‘initialPageParam’ is missing in type ‘{ queryKey: (string | PostQuery); queryFn: ({ pageParam }: { queryKey: QueryKey; signal: AbortSignal; pageParam: unknown; direction: FetchDirection; meta: Record<…> | undefined; }) => Promise<…>; staleTime: number; getPreviousPageParam: (previousData: T | undefined) => T | undefined; getNextPageParam: (last…’ but required in type ‘UseInfiniteQueryOptions<Post, Error, InfiniteData<Post, unknown>, Post, QueryKey, unknown>’.
Overload 2 of 3, ‘(options: DefinedInitialDataInfiniteOptions<Post, Error, InfiniteData<Post, unknown>, QueryKey, unknown>, queryClient?: QueryClient | undefined): DefinedUseInfiniteQueryResult<…>’, gave the following error.
Argument of type ‘{ queryKey: (string | PostQuery); queryFn: ({ pageParam }: { queryKey: QueryKey; signal: AbortSignal; pageParam: unknown; direction: FetchDirection; meta: Record<…> | undefined; }) => Promise<…>; staleTime: number; getPreviousPageParam: (previousData: T | undefined) => T | undefined; getNextPageParam: (last…’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘DefinedInitialDataInfiniteOptions<Post, Error, InfiniteData<Post, unknown>, QueryKey, unknown>’.
Property ‘initialPageParam’ is missing in type ‘{ queryKey: (string | PostQuery); queryFn: ({ pageParam }: { queryKey: QueryKey; signal: AbortSignal; pageParam: unknown; direction: FetchDirection; meta: Record<…> | undefined; }) => Promise<…>; staleTime: number; getPreviousPageParam: (previousData: T | undefined) => T | undefined; getNextPageParam: (last…’ but required in type ‘UseInfiniteQueryOptions<Post, Error, InfiniteData<Post, unknown>, Post, QueryKey, unknown>’.
Overload 3 of 3, ‘(options: UseInfiniteQueryOptions<Post, Error, InfiniteData<Post, unknown>, Post, QueryKey, unknown>, queryClient?: QueryClient | undefined): UseInfiniteQueryResult<…>’, gave the following error.
Argument of type ‘{ queryKey: (string | PostQuery); queryFn: ({ pageParam }: { queryKey: QueryKey; signal: AbortSignal; pageParam: unknown; direction: FetchDirection; meta: Record<…> | undefined; }) => Promise<…>; staleTime: number; getPreviousPageParam: (previousData: T | undefined) => T | undefined; getNextPageParam: (last…’ is not assignable to parameter of type ‘UseInfiniteQueryOptions<Post, Error, InfiniteData<Post, unknown>, Post, QueryKey, unknown>’.
Property ‘initialPageParam’ is missing in type ‘{ queryKey: (string | PostQuery); queryFn: ({ pageParam }: { queryKey: QueryKey; signal: AbortSignal; pageParam: unknown; direction: FetchDirection; meta: Record<…> | undefined; }) => Promise<…>; staleTime: number; getPreviousPageParam: (previousData: T | undefined) => T | undefined; getNextPageParam: (last…’ but required in type ‘UseInfiniteQueryOptions<Post, Error, InfiniteData<Post, unknown>, Post, QueryKey, unknown>’.

if someone does encounter the error… i was able to resolve the issue by adding one line in the code.
initialPageParam: 1,

here is my updated code