React + Django , good combination to be fullstack?

I have already learnt react and have done some small projects and as NodeJS from Mosh is already outdated course, do you think subscribing for his Django course could be a good idea in order to be Fullstack, knowing, that the course is very new and theoretically including new features?if not which other good NodeJS do you recommend learning, which uses Ignite as its boilerplate ?

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Good question, I had the same doubt until I started working. This is the stack I work with, and I don’t know if it is the best one. I always heard the stacks Node+React or Node+Angular are better because they are based on the same language, so, if you are prolific with JS, you will be good with the language used in the back and the front.
But that reason supports my opinion:

The best combination to be fullstack will be the combination with you feel more comfortable

So, if you are good with python and JS, this could be a good combination for you

as for me django and react is a good combination, you can host fullstack on shared hosting with this stack and not with MERN stack which is cheaper and good for newbie like us to test our app. second u may go to machine learning and stuff later if u interested, i knew javascript is possible but not good as python. nodejs sometime may not handle heavy request because it is single threaded. i just my opinion but actually it’s depends on the individual

You can be a fullstack developer using Django only because it is a framework that use template engines to generate HTML pages dynamically (called server side rendering, SSR).

While doing the Django course you may feel that the template engine topic will not fit with your React knowledge.

BUT you can use Django to create plain APIs without using its SSR features and combo it with React to create a single page application (SPA) as well. In this scenario you will have two applications written in different languages working together.

In my opinion, if you want to take the shortest path stay inside the JavaScript/TypeScript world with frameworks such as Express or NextJs.

I recommend Express because it is simpler than NextJs, it makes you learn some core backend web development concepts, and you can focus on pure Rest API development instead of learning template engines and SSR.

Express is quick and simple, you can reuse code from your backend in your React frontend and if you wish you can learn template engines in the future as well.

But if you decide to take the longest path:


Spring Boot
Pros: statically typed language,APIs and template engines, ok performance, requested by companies
Cons: somewhat steep learning curve


Ruby on Rails
Pros: very good template engine, does a lot of magic to improve development experience, requested by companies
Cons: steep learning curve, not so performatic, much magic is not good if your are still learning, dynamic typed


Pros: simplicity, APIs and template engines ready, well known framework
Cons: not so performatic, dynamic typed

Pros: APIs and template engines ready, good code with mosh course, requested by companies
Cons: not so performatic, dynamic typed, somewhat steep learning curve

Pros: API only, simplicity++, performatic, good documentation
Cons: not many video courses about it


Pure PHP (without framework)
Pros: good for learning how things work and simplicity, easy APIs

Pros: APIs and template engines ready

As you see there are many many options and most all of them are requested by companies… I recommend going for Express. And if you want static typing, go for react and express with typescript!

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Mosh Django course is super nice, you can try it✌️