Dear All
I want to use spinner in my code for being showed while fetching data
I code it in 2 different ways but in 1 way the code worked.
does any body know what is wrong with another method?
Dear All
I want to use spinner in my code for being showed while fetching data
I code it in 2 different ways but in 1 way the code worked.
does any body know what is wrong with another method?
I’d think you’d have to say loading === true …
it did not work because second expression typically and only uses inside tsx elements
also, there’s no return statement in second expression
it is fine. in javascript it is considered as you are checking a truthy value.
const isLoading = true;
const isLoading = ‘something value here’;
if(loading) {
it will go here because loading is a truthy value, or has value.
Thanks , yeah I get that
The second way not work because the component dont have return after execute
hi, yes I didnt check that before . when i code the line after return the second way works too