Part 3 - testimonials

At the end of the testimonial lesson, the quotes icon with the red background is cut off by the overflow: hidden in .card class. How do you unhide the icon? I also encounted this issue when Mosh added the “popular badge” in a previous lesson.

I tried adding more specific classes to card, badge, and testimonial sections but with no result.

Thanks in advance for helping out!

ps. I checked his final code and he added some extra margin around the testimonial image, but I want to find out if I can make the icon overflow and stick out of the card.

in css file go to cards section, create new class: .card–icon {overflow: visible;}
Now in html paste your new class:
div class=“card card–icon testimonial”

you have two options:

i: .testimonial {
padding: 3rem;
overflow: visible;

ii: .testimonial {
padding: 3.2rem;

I prefer option 2.