Node: CRUD Ops Using Mongoose =Exercises 14-16 Solution

Rather than duplicate the code as shown, just set parameters for the find() methods and then call the same function. Here is the function. I didnt, but you could, add parameters. ( cl() is my version of console.log(). const cl = (…args) => console.log(…args)).

async function getCourses() {
  const result = await Course.find(query).or(qor).sort(qsort).select(qselect);

And here is the data for each exercise according to how the function expected the data:

//14. Exercise 1
let query = { isPublished: true, tags: "backend" };
let qsort = { name: 1 };
let qor = [{}]; // default if you dont need an OR
let qselect = "name author";

// // 15. Exercise 2
query = { isPublished: true, tags: { $in: ["backend", "frontend"] } };
qsort = { price: -1 };
qor = [{}];
qselect = "name author price";

// //16. Exercise 3 - >=$15, published, OR "by" in title
query = { isPublished: true };
qor = [{ price: { $gte: 15 } }, { name: /.*by.*/i }];
qsort = { price: 1 };
qselect = "name author price";

bruh this is more difficult


lol ok. Yea its a bit contrived (read complex). Was just trying to refactor and remove all that code duplication. True its easier to read the duplicated code but we are supposed to avoid duplicating code.

ya that’s