Hi Nazeem,
I had the same issue and mentioned it in this post. My guess is that these attributes are added by radix-ui/themes, but fortunately it’s just a warning and won’t affect production builds.
My solution was to ignore the warning by adding the suppressHydrationWarning
to the top-level html
<html suppressHydrationWarning>
There may be a better solution, but this worked for me. Supressing errors is not normally something I’d advise, but since I suspect radix-ui/themes is adding them, I’m not sure this is within our control. Maybe someone has a less janky solution?
Radix is pretty slick, but I think I prefer Chakra components. I need to try to reimplement the issue tracker with Chakra. I also need to find a better markdown editor than TinyMDE. The one chosen for this class does not integrate well with Next.js in my opinion. I just don’t see a ton of other options. If you’re aware of anything that works better please let me know. Thanks. If not, maybe that’s a good project to add to my list!