Kindly anyone tell where i can learn intermediate and advanced c++ course (i want it free) plz anyone help

plz anyone help okay
thanks for helping

I love this question because I would like to share my favorite YouTuber, BroCode. BroCode :moyai: is a YouTuber who shares coding tutorials for many programming languages. I would have learned from him too but I sought the certificate from Mosh (but Mosh is also a great teacher :smile: ).

Why is he good?

  1. Gives a concise explanation :moyai:
  2. His voice is soothing (which isn’t weird because voice is important) :moyai:
  3. He also provides code at the end :moyai:
  4. Importantly, he is funny and awesome :moyai:

If you view this link, the videos will be connected but you can’t see the code he did in the comments or description. :point_down:

If you view this link, it is a playlist, and it is the same thing as the 6-hour video, but it has code provided in the description or comments. :point_down:

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