Javascript Array & If statements

This is my first time here. I am taking Mosh’s javascript class and getting extremely confused by something that seemed very simple. Any clarification will be very well appreciated.

I have two codes (which I believe are the same) that produce different results.

------Code 1------
const numbers =[1,2,3,4,5,6];
console.log (includes(numbers,5));

function includes (array, searchElement){
for (key of array)
if (key === searchElement) return true;
return false;
====> Console output is “true”

----Code 2----
const numbers =[1,2,3,4,5,6];
console.log (includes(numbers,5));

function includes (array, searchElement){
for (key of array)
if (key === searchElement) return true;
else return false;
=====> Console output is " false"

Note that the only difference between code 1 and code 2 is the presence of “else” under the if statement.

Again, if this is simple for you guys, please bear with me. I have tried very hard to understand the logic but it is still escaping me. Any help will the greatly appreciated.

So question: is what are you doing, what do you want to achieve? So you probably accidentally discovered ‘break’ option in Javascript. When you return something at this moment it breaks out of the loop. So in case one it loops through all elements until it reaches key-value 5 and than returns true and breaks out of the loop. It never reaches false
Second, it jumps out immediately because in the first loop it reaches return False. Hope I described clear.
You can check it by yourself with printing key values in each iteration.

I think I got it.
The learning continues.

To expand on @Gintsm’s response… This is not really a problem of a “break” operation but rather this is pure misuse of syntax which some better coding habits and formatting would have avoided completely.

So, to explain a little BOTH for and if process exactly ONE statement if the condition is truthy. Note that an if...else is a single statement as far as the compiler is concerned.

So, if you were to rewrite your code using {...}'s and including a little proper formatting and indentation you’d perhaps see your error. As such:

------Code 1------
const numbers =[1,2,3,4,5,6];
console.log (includes(numbers,5));

function includes (array, searchElement) {
   for (key of array) {
      if (key === searchElement) {
         return true;
   return false;
====> Console output is “true”
----Code 2----
const numbers =[1,2,3,4,5,6];
console.log (includes(numbers,5));

function includes (array, searchElement) {
   for (key of array) {
      if (key === searchElement) {
         return true;
      else {
         return false;
=====> Console output is " false"

So again in Code 1 you can see that the return false; actually occurs after ALL of the elements in the array are processed (i.e. it searches the entire array for the searchElement).

In Code 2 however the if…else get’s processed as a “block” and the else will return false for the very first element in the array (1 !== 5). In fact, that means that the function in Code 2 would better be called “isFirstElement” because it will ONLY check the first element of the array and then return true or false.

What you’ve encountered is the problem of NOT using {…}'s in your if and for (and elsewhere). These kinds of statements are VERY error prone and VERY hard to find/see (since your brain will easily ignore the problem and see what you intended instead of what you actually wrote). Hopefully by adding them (and properly indenting/formatting your code) you can more easily pick out the problem with this code.

I’ve mentored dozens of jr. programmers in my career and my #1 recommendation is to NEVER, NEVER skip the {…}'s as it makes the code clear and scopes the statement. Also in this way when you (or a different developer) return to this code 6 months later and add a second line of logic you don’t accidently mis-place it.

Thank you very much for the excellent and logical explanation and suggestions.
I had come to this realisation a while back but your demonstration adds substantial clarification and reinforces the need to use the curly brackets.