Issue Tracker Problem - assign issue to user

I’m using react-query to fetch issues all things work fine with me but when I assign a user to an issue and make a hard refresh the defaultValue in Select.Root doesn’t appear user name but when I go back and open the issue again it appears

here is an AsigneeSelect Component

function AsigneeSelect({ users, issueId }: Props) {
  const queryClient = useQueryClient();

  const { data: issue } = useQuery({
    queryKey: ['issue', { issueId }],
    queryFn: async () => await getSingleIssue(issueId),

  const { mutateAsync: userToIssue } = useMutation({
    mutationFn: async (userId: string) =>
      await assignUserToIssue(issueId, userId),

    onError: () => {
      toast.error("Issue Couldn't be assigned!");

    onSuccess: () => {
      toast.success('Issue has been asigned succesfully');
      queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['issues'] });

  return (
        onValueChange={issueId => userToIssue(issueId)}
        defaultValue={issue?.userId || ''}
        <Select.Trigger placeholder='Assign User for issue...' variant='soft' />
            {users?.map(user => (
              <Select.Item key={} value={ as string}>
      <Toaster />

export default AsigneeSelect;