How to Increment the value in React JS

In the below code the changes are reflecting to all the items in the movies when i click Like button?how could it be set only for the item which i click the like button

import React, { Component } from “react”;

import { getMovies } from “…/services/fakeMovieService”;

//import “./index.css”;

class Movies extends React.Component {

state = {

movies: getMovies(),

count: 0,


onHandleDelete = (movie) => {


const movies = this.state.movies.filter((m) => m._id !== movie._id);

this.setState({ movies });


onLike = () => {


this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });


render() {

if (this.state.movies.length === 0) {

  return <p>There are no movies in the database </p>;


return (


    <p>Showing {this.state.movies.length} movies</p>

    <table className="table">



          <th>Title </th>








        { => (

          <tr key={movie._id}>







                onClick={() => this.onHandleDelete(movie)}

                className="btn btn-warning"





                onClick={() => this.onLike()}

                className="btn btn-danger"












export default Movies;