How to hide the django-debug-toolbar?

Hi there,

I am currently following The Ultimate Django Series: Part 1, and in the Admin site section, the django-debug-toolbar keeps being in the way of the admin data.

Is there any way on how to temporarily disable the toolbar?

I’ve searched this forum for that topic, but was not able to find it.

Thank you,


All of a sudden, the ‘hide’ bar turned clickable!! Maybe it’s because I zoomed out more.

Happy it works now!

Hello @robinh0, I get Page Not Found Error (404) when I run the server and by the side, the debug toolbar get displayed. But whenever I added, \playground\hello to the address bar, I get the hello message displayed on the screen but without the toolbar.
Please can you help out with this problem. Anticipating your feedback.

Hi Jhay,

I am not sure how this would work, or what the error or bug here would be. Sorry for that. Maybe someone else can help you on this forum?

