Hi everyone,
anyone knows how to deploy multiple websites using github?
I managed only to deploy one version using my username as the website host domain:
but whenever I try to deploy another one (ie. username2.github.io) it doesn’t work.
I am not sure to understand. What prevents the same code to work on one account but not on another ?
What it is you are trying to do ?
My guess would be you want to push to 2 repos.
you can add remotes with git tools but also with the git remote command
git remote add {remoteName} {remoteUrl}
Then you can pick which remote to push to git push origin master
Then you can pick which remote to push to git push otherRemote master
I’ve launched a webpage on github (yuriamancio.github.io)
but I would like to launch a new one (for example: yuriamancio2.github.io), but that doesn’t seem possible!
I’m just on HTML/CSS and haven’t done the github course yet.