Have problem in using custom hook to access useContext in react

Hi every one

I got this error:

Exported variable ‘useAuth’ has or is using name ‘AuthcontextType’ from external module “c:/Users/PC/Desktop/my practices/react-course-part2-starter/src/state-management/Contexts/authContext” but cannot be named.ts(4023)
const useAuth: () => AuthcontextType

when I want to code this file:

import { useContext } from "react";
import AuthContext from "../Contexts/authContext";

 const useAuth = () =>  useContext(AuthContext);

 export default useAuth

this is my AuthContext file:

import React, { Dispatch } from "react";
import { authAction } from "../Reducers/authReducer";

interface AuthcontextType{

const AuthContext= React.createContext<AuthcontextType> ({} as AuthcontextType)

export default AuthContext

anyone knows how could solve it?