Game-Hub Project in react course (unsolved for me)


I am encountering errors upon trying to get the ChakraProvider set up and I have recently tried troubleshooting with the steps in the other posts and to no avail.

I am unable to follow along with the lesson due to the terminal outputting a problem that states…

" Property ‘value’ is missing in type ‘{ children: Element; }’ but required in type ‘ChakraProviderProps’. "


" ‘value’ is declared here. "

I have gone to the chakra website and tried following the set up instructions for both versions 3.0 and 2.10 and I still am unable to get a simple button to import or work due to these declarations and such…

I am at a loss and don’t know what exactly I need to do from here on in order to possibly continue with the course.

I will attach a photo of the current file and problem listed in the terminal using version 2.10 of chakra UI as I have already deleted the files multiple times and re created multiple times attempting to get any of these to work.

This is from version 2.10, following the lesson exactly and encountering problems.

I got tired of retyping game-hub so I tried a different name for it that was similar.

Okay, nevermind I am back on track now.

I just decided to use the Vite Template under version 3.0 and literally copied and pasted everything, overwriting what was in my main.tsx file and it cleared the errors for me.

I am continuing with the course and the button part of the project is working now.