Delete Button not working

8- Updating the State

When I click the Delete button on the counter app, the message I get on the Console is “Event Handler Called” undefined, when I should be getting “Event Handler Called” 1, then “Event Handler Called” 2, “Event Handler Called” 3 and so on.

I am using:

handleDelete = (counterId) => {
console.log(“Event Handler Called”, counterId);

as instructed, but for some reason my counterId won’t show on the console.

What am I doing wrong?


Since counterId seems to be undefined it’s likely that it’s not passed correctly. Check the button’s onClick-Event.

Hey SAM,

it had nothing to do with my onClick Event. It turns out I was missing the id={}
in my Counter class. But now my U.I. isn’t correct. I have the id numbers showing which I shouldn’t.

Nevermind I figured out what was wrong. I forgot to delete the id header HTML element in the counter.jsx file :man_facepalming:


Good that you found the bugs yourself. We can only guess if you don’t share the relevant parts of your code.

I do not understand… can you tell in detail? facing same error

Which error are you facing? ‘“Event Handler Called” undefined’? Or something else? Could you post your code?

Even iam facing the same error…“Undefined”
could you pls help me in solving this error

@ars8 can you post the code to your counter class?

Inside counters.jsx

        { => (
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Thanks, this really saved my day. I actually missed it, and was wondering what I’m doing wrongly.

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i am facing some problems tooo.
i have tried everything but i couldnt get any result…
when i click delete button nothing hapeened, but when I write console.log(“event handler called”, counter) then it works perfectly…only delete button not working please someone help me…

counter.jsx -

render() {
return (

<button onClick={() => this.props.onDelete(} >Delete


counters.jsx -

state = {
counters : [
{id: 1, value: 4},
{id: 2, value: 0},
{id: 3, value: 0},
{id: 4, value: 0},

 handleDelete = (counter) => {
    const counters = this.state.counters.filter(c => c !== counter)
        counters: counters
    console.log("Event handler called", counter)

render() { 
    return (
            { => 
