I just watched video 5 on Part 2 of Mosh’s CSS and HTML course (around 10 minute mark), and I am slightly confused.
I am confused on the practicality of using em/rem. I understand sizing a layout by % and vw/vh because they are scalable to both mobile phones and desktops. But with em/rem, it sounds like they are only sized relative to the font size. So when you change the size of the window or view the layout on a much smaller device, it will still be the same size. It feels like the scaleability issues of using pixels are also shared with using em/rem if you are not changing the default font size, is that true?
Also, when we set HTML to 62.5% to change the multiplication from 16 to 10, won’t that be messed up when you change the default font size to something bigger or less than 16?
Any answers would be greatly appreciated.