Charkra UI Grid does not take up the entire view port

I installed Chakra 2.10 because the latest version does not work with the code. I typed the code exactly as follows but the Chakra UI Grid does not take up the entire screen.

// import { Button, ButtonGroup } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { Grid, GridItem, Show } from "@chakra-ui/react";
function App() {
  // to check Chakra installation
  // return <Button colorScheme="blue">Button</Button>;
  return (
    // On way of doing Grid is the following line
    // <Grid templateAreas={`"nav nav" "aside main"`}>
    // to make page responsive we need to pass template object for the break points
        base: `"nav" "main"`,
        lg: `"nav nav" "aside main"`,
      <GridItem area="nav" bg="coral">
      <Show above="lg">
        <GridItem area="aside" bg="gold">
      <GridItem area="main" bg="dodgerblue">

export default App;

screenshot of the output;

Never mind. I found the issue. It was CSS in Index.css. I removed the style from there, and it resolved the issue.

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