Calendar exercise


I have a question about an exercise from my school, hope it is okey to ask you about it.

My task is to write a program that prints the days leading up to a sum of 7 and prints the probability that this would occur in 2021 by one percent. For example: the sum of 01/01/21 is 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 5

So, what days in 2021 have the sum 7?
And how likely is the date to have a total of 7, in percent?

I am thankful if you can help me with this or if you have an idea how I can begin. I guess I will need to use lists and loops?

Alright, so I wrote the script. Iā€™m sure there are better ways of doing this, but I wanted something that is easy to understand and I just spent about 5 mins on the problem. Here is the code:

months_dict = {'01': '31',  # create a dictionary with the month number and amount of days in string format 
               '02': '28',
               '03': '31',
               '04': '30',
               '05': '31',
               '06': '30',
               '07': '31',
               '08': '31',
               '09': '30',
               '10': '31',
               '11': '30',
               '12': '31'

count = 0  # create a variable for the amount of times the sum totals 7 

for month in months_dict:  # loop over every month 
    for day in range(1, int(months_dict[month]) + 1):  # loop over every day for each month 
        sum_month = list(month)  # create a variable that splits the month into 2 (example: 11 becomes [1, 1])
        sum_day = list(str(day))  # create a variable that splits the day into 2 

        if len(sum_day) == 1:  # add a 0 in front 1-9 (1 => 01) because we are using the day variable from the loop
            sum_day.insert(0, '0')

        if int(sum_month[0]) + int(sum_month[1]) + int(sum_day[0]) + int(sum_day[1]) + 2 + 1 == 7:  # convert to int and sum
            print(f'{day}/{month}/21')  # print the day if it adds up to 7 
            count += 1  # increment count by 1 

percent = round((count / 365) * 100, 2)  # calculate percentage 
print(f'There is a {percent}% likelihood of days totaling the sum of 7')  # print percentage 
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Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it!