Hi, my name is Álvaro, and I’m trying to create a simple TODO List app using Angular.
I added animation and it worked properly.
However, when I tried to “take to the next level” I ran into some issues.
At first, the TODO list was a simple array and everything was working properly.
But when I moved the list to a Firebase database, the animations were not working anymore.
At first, the stagger stopped working. In this case, all items were appearing at the same time.
Next, for each TODO item I added a property to mark if the task is completed or not.
At any moment I toggle this property by clicking at this item to set the CSS property
text-decoration: line-through
the item disappears and re-enters on the screen, triggering the animation all over again.
Is there a way to prevent that from happening, and to make stagger work with observables as well?
Thanks in advance.