[Additional excercises @Mosh ] Are there anywhere we can check solutions for additional excercises?

Hi guys,

I’ve implemented desc sort, which is a client event click the table header to toggle the sort order, however in the meanwhile, I make the Prisma client take the sort order from the query params and pass it into the prisma.issues.findMany() to query the ‘asc’ or ‘desc’ ordered issues from the backend.


"use client";
import { ArrowUpIcon, ArrowDownIcon } from "@radix-ui/react-icons";
import NextLink from "next/link";
import { issueQueryParams } from "./IssuesTable";
import { Issue } from "@prisma/client";
import { useState } from "react";
import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";

type Props = {
  searchParams: issueQueryParams;
  column: {
    value: keyof Issue;
    label: string;

const IssueSort = ({ searchParams, column }: Props) => {
  const [sortOrder, setSortOrder] =
  const router = useRouter();

  const handleSortClick = () => {
    setSortOrder(sortOrder === "asc" ? "desc" : "asc");
  return (
          query: {
            orderBy: column.value,
            sortOrder: sortOrder,
        onClick={() => {
      {searchParams.orderBy === column.value ? (
        sortOrder === "desc" ? (
          <ArrowUpIcon className="inline" />
        ) : (
          <ArrowDownIcon className="inline" />
      ) : null}

export default IssueSort;


  const orderBy: { [key: string]: "asc" | "desc" } | undefined =
      ? { [searchParams.orderBy]: searchParams.sortOrder || "desc" }
      : { createdAt: "desc" };

  const issues = await prisma.issue.findMany({
    skip: (page - 1) * pageSize,
    take: pageSize,

I experience some lag issues by doing this way, and I don’t know if we should sort issues on the server side, or on the client side instead.

this is a quick demo:
still in development for more features and refactorings…

Hello Felix please do you have a discount code for the next js course?
How much did you purchase the course

I was able to do it inside the component without using the client:

interface Props {
  searchParams: {
    status: Status;
    orderBy: keyof Issue;
    sortOrder: "asc" | "desc";
const orderBy = searchParams.orderBy
    ? { [searchParams.orderBy]: searchParams.sortOrder }
    : undefined;

  const toggleOrder = () => {
    return !searchParams.sortOrder || searchParams.sortOrder === "desc" ? "asc" : "desc";
       query: { ...searchParams, orderBy: column.value, sortOrder: toggleOrder() }
{column.value === searchParams.orderBy &&
    (searchParams.sortOrder === "asc" ? <ArrowUpIcon /> : <ArrowDownIcon />)}

I got the ascend/descend sort ordering to work using the same structure as Mosh (no change of server/clients components or additional components). But interestingly it works great in development, but is flaky in production which I cannot figure out why. In production the searchParams don’t always update on a click, plus using the status filter doesn’t reset when ‘All’ is selected (the extisting status searchParam remains in the url… most of the time).

Here is the additional code snips I added to the production version at the end of the course
(I used some of the examples already outlined in this thread)

in issueTable.tsx:

const toggleOrder = () => {
    return !searchParams.sortOrder || searchParams.sortOrder === "desc"
      ? "asc"
      : "desc";

              query: {
                orderBy: column.value,
                sortOrder: toggleOrder(),
              {column.value === searchParams.orderBy &&
                (searchParams.sortOrder === "asc" ? (
                  <ArrowUpIcon className="inline" />
                ) : (
                  <ArrowDownIcon className="inline" />

in app/list/page.tsx:
To order the prisma search by the sortOrder param

  const orderBy = columnsNames.includes(searchParams.orderBy)
    ? { [searchParams.orderBy]: `${searchParams.sortOrder}` }
    : undefined;

In IssueStatusFilter.tsx
In the onValueChange(status) handler I added the sortOrder searchParam if an orderBy param is present (if there is on orderBy searchParam, there will be a sortOrder searchParam also):

        if (searchParams.get("orderBy")) {
          params.append("orderBy", searchParams.get("orderBy")!);
          params.append("sortOrder", searchParams.get("sortOrder")!);

Really fast and effective in developement, buy buggy and sluggish in production. Any ideas why???