Account screen not render properly


I am learning react native and i am stack in Account screen. The problem is not render the first part (Profile part).

import React from ‘react’;
import { FlatList, StyleSheet, Text, View } from ‘react-native’

import Screen from ‘…/components/Screen’;
import ListItem from ‘…/components/ListItem’;
import Icon from ‘…/components/Icon’;
import colors from ‘…/config/colors’;
import ListItemSeparator from ‘…/components/ListItemSeparator’;

const menuItems = [
title: “My Listings”,
icon: {
name: “format-list-bulleted”,
backgroundColor: colors.primary,
title: “My Messages”,
icon: {
name: “email”,
backgroundColor: colors.secondary,

function AccountScreen(props) {
return (

title={“Mosh Hamedani”}
subTitle={“[email protected]”}

keyExtractor={menuItems => menuItems.title}
renderItem={({ item }) => (

title={“Log Out”}


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
screen: {
backgroundColor: colors.light,
container: {
marginVertical: 20,

export default AccountScreen;

this my AccountScreen file code. This code render rest of the things render perfectly except the first part.

Thanks in advance… :slight_smile:

I’m not on my computer, but it seems that you need to put the jsx inside a View tag.


return (
       {/* your ListItems and Flatlist
             elements will go here */}

I have the same issue too, also used learning code!

This solution is not working for me.

Can you please share your screen’s component code?

Please put it in the code block for better readability.