About repeated HTML markups in different pages

Hello there,

I am very new to this programming environment and recently I have completed the Ultimate HTML5 & CCC3 series courses, till part 3.
To practice it, I am trying to build the different pages with same headers, footers, and some same block sections but here I am struck with many repeated HTML markups, so if there is some shortcuts or links to display the same layouts in different pages, I would love to know that, please?

To solve this repeated HTML markups, I have to learn other programming languages?
If some body guide me on this, I am very much grateful and thankful.
Thanks in advance!

That’s a good question. I’m not aware of anything like that built into HTML, but there are lots of HTML templating engines built with JavaScript, though you don’t need to know much JavaScript to use some of them.

For example Handlebars. Let’s say you have some header and footer HTML that you want to reuse. You can create Handlebars templates for each.


<header>My Page</header>


<footer>Copyright &copy; 2021</footer>

You compile these into header.precompiled.js and footer.precompiled.js using the Handlebars compiler (this assumes that you have node installed on your system).

npx handlebars header.handlebars -f header.precompiled.js
npx handlebars footer.handlebars -f footer.precompiled.js

Now you can insert this HTML into all of your pages, for example…

    <title>Using Handlebars</title>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/handlebars.js/4.7.7/handlebars.runtime.min.js" integrity="sha512-1JsLHOJ3aKKxY96SA64yDTGQXo46wjivsGj6LiZGQaz0V6cGpGjfFOm1fnH9WkNwf8FFaIU8jVrvAjSESKESww==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
    <script src="header.precompiled.js"></script>
    <script src="footer.precompiled.js"></script>
      const header = Handlebars.templates.header();
      const footer = Handlebars.templates.footer();
      window.onload = (event) => {
        document.getElementById('header-goes-here').outerHTML = header;
        document.getElementById('footer-goes-here').outerHTML = footer;
    <div id="header-goes-here"></div>
      The header and footer are using Handlebars templates.
    <div id="footer-goes-here"></div>

There’s a lot going on there! The first script tag…

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/handlebars.js/4.7.7/handlebars.runtime.min.js" integrity="sha512-1JsLHOJ3aKKxY96SA64yDTGQXo46wjivsGj6LiZGQaz0V6cGpGjfFOm1fnH9WkNwf8FFaIU8jVrvAjSESKESww==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

loads the Handlebars runtime. The next script tags…

<script src="header.precompiled.js"></script>
<script src="footer.precompiled.js"></script>

load your header and footer templates. And this part…

  const header = Handlebars.templates.header();
  const footer = Handlebars.templates.footer();
  window.onload = (event) => {
    document.getElementById('header-goes-here').outerHTML = header;
    document.getElementById('footer-goes-here').outerHTML = footer;

inserts your HTML templates into your page at the right places, which are identified by their id. I use header-goes-here and footer-goes-here for clarity but you could use whatever ids make sense for you. So, the header template replaces this div…

<div id="header-goes-here"></div>

And the footer template replaces this div…

<div id="footer-goes-here"></div>

And so what you end up with is…

  <header>My Page</header>
    The header and footer are using Handlebars templates.
  <footer>Copyright © 2021</footer>

But is this more trouble than it’s worth? In this example, the header and footer templates don’t have much HTML, and we end up trading a little bit of HTML for a moderate amount of JavaScript. But maybe you have more elaborate HTML? Sometimes it’s nice to be able to maintain a single bit of HTML rather than having to update the same HTML in multiple pages.

This is just a small example of what Handlebars is capable of, and there are lots of other HTML templating solutions out there. But maybe this gives you an idea of what’s possible.

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Another (maybe simpler, but also requires node) solution, 11ty, which has the concept of layouts.

Hello Eelsholz,

Thanks very much for your detail explanations on each code line and also reference links.
I will try to do like as you have mentioned in above messages and once more thanks very much for your great information and help. Thanks!


I think it is time for you to move forward and try a dynamic language.
They are many, but the most used are PHP and JS.
Let’s try React (a JS framework), it is lot of fun :wink:

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Hello Jcdev,

Thanks very much for your kind information.
I have already purchased, Ultimate JavaScript Mastery Series part 1 and 2, and just began to study on it.
After completion of this JavaScript courses, hop I would know how to solve the repeated HTML markups.

Mean while, if you not mind, if you could provide me some JavaScript codes to solve the repeated HTML markup layouts or blocks with example, please?
Also, if you could recommend some best tutorials or courses on PHP, its very much thankful to you.

Thanks very much!