I’m interested in IoT development (… and the application of Python/MicroPython and ESP32 - NodeMCU 8266)
IoT is currently in it’s infancy and applications will grow exponentially in the near future.
My goal is to fully understand the IoT concepts (on a hobbyist level)
(e.g. Amazon AWS Ce2 cloud, Docker ,HTTP ,MQTT ,Firebase , ThingSpeak, Python, MicroPython, Client/Server input/output Django, IoT dashboard and remote controls, Node-Red).
I found some IoT courses (on Udemy) that cover the basic principles and are about to finish them soon).
My next step (in progress) is to finalise 2 Python courses (one 20 parts course on YouTube - very good) and another one via this (Mosh’s) platform.
That will form the basis of my IoT understanding.
In the further planning is a (good) course by “Random Nerds” … covering Micro Python and ESP32.
I dislike Arduino IDE (C++) - Uno and Mega developments … the ESP32-NodemCU 8266 with Wifi-Bluetooth in combination with Python/MicroPython I find more interesting (a total personal view/interest offcourse).
I’m interested in blockly type applications (e.g. BIPES (google) and EasyESP TunIOt for ESP (google) are the applications I have currently selected to try out.
As a hobbyist I do not feel the need to be fully conversant with in depth programming techniques … I want to explore whether blockly type programming can quickly kick off prototyping (some people insist they are children toys) that can be reviewed/refined later.